Call for applications for the Spatial Activism Summer School in Valga


The international interdisciplinary spatial activism residency VARES invites applications until 15 July for the summer school that will take place from 16 to 23 August in Valga, Estonia. For the ten selected participants, VARES will cover the costs of participation, accommodation, meals and transport.

The first VARES Summer School will focus on the multifaceted topic of spatial activism. It will explore the theoretical perspectives of spatial activism and the different forms it can take. It will include discussions, knowledge and experience sharing on what spatial activism can achieve. For example, participants will discuss how communities can be empowered to shape their environment and how bureaucratic systems can support or hinder such efforts in both urban and rural areas.

Exploring the concept of more-than-human agency, the summer school will focus on activism that advocates for other species and addresses the problems of beings that cannot advocate for themselves. The summer school programme will also include hands-on activities, spatial environment initiatives and participatory spatial activism performances.

The week will include three workshops for participants, as well as a public programme with lectures and seminars open to the public.
More information about the organisers and the workshop and lecture leaders can be found here.

The Summer School is open to both young and experienced architects, artists, writers and thinkers, as well as students and others interested in the theme of the Summer School.
To apply, a CV or curriculum vitae and a short motivation letter should be sent to [email protected] by 15 July. The results will be emailed to potential participants by the organisers by 19 July.

The Summer School is organised by VARES in cooperation with the Finnish artists' and architects' associations Art for All and You Tell Me Collective, the Latvian art research network gel and the Estonian Kunstiryhmitus.

More information on the VARES website.
