
International architectural ideas competition "Concept of the territory development in Šmerlis"

The competition is closed. 9 proposals are submitted.

Update: the deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to 12 July 2024!

From April 19 to July 12, 2024, submissions are is open to the international architectural ideas competition "Concept of the territory development in Šmerlis". The purpose of the competition is to obtain an urban-planning, architecturally thougt-out sustainable design of the competition object — the best offer of the conception of the territory and spatial development vision. The commissioner — SIA Greengo.

The total reward and prize fund of the competition is EUR 33 000.

Competition subject is the development concept of the site 3, 5, and 17 Šmerļa iela, Riga, as well as the division of the territory into development stages. The best proposal obtained in the competition will be taken as a basis for developing the functional zoning and division of the Competition territory in stages, the organization of transport flows and guidelines for
prospective site development, and the creation of public outdoor space.

The target of the Competition is to create an area site plan. which will be used in further design processes by architects whose tasks will be determined by specific locations of buildings and architectural design in stages (the development of the territory will be divided into 5 to 7 stages), offering different types of houses in various sizes and price categories.

The competition task is to create the most desirable environment for people belonging to different generations, income groups, or cultural backgrounds. It is planned that rental housing in this area will comprise approximately 10 to 20 percent of residential buildings. The main focus and priority of the concept must be the human being. In the Idea Competition, first of all, should be offered the overall development concept of the territory with the organization of pedestrian, cyclist, and traffic flows, the creation of a scenic environment, considering the variations of different buildings in the height — the architectural solutions for the next development stages will be developed later, by holding a sketch design competition for each particular stage separately.

Competition brief, designing program.

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