
LAS Certification Center

The most up-to-date information about the Latvian Association of Architects Certification Center (LAS SC) is available on the LAS SC website!

The LAS Certification Center is an independent structural unit of the Latvian Association of Architects, responsible for assessing the competence of certified architects and overseeing their practice. The experts at the Certification Center review documents submitted for initial certification, assess examination papers, and provide opinions on certificate issuance. They also evaluate the professional development exams for certified architects, monitor compliance with the requirements for the architect's practice period, and conduct assessments to address complaints submitted to the center.

The SC operates independently and impartially concerning applicants, certified individuals, their employers, collaborators, and clients. Decisions are made independently, based on regulatory requirements, approved professional standards of good practice, and quality criteria. The SC emphasizes the importance of impartiality, manages conflicts of interest, and ensures objectivity in all certification activities.

Confidentiality is strictly maintained by the LAS SC. Information obtained during the certification process about personal data, professional information gathered by the Center during assessment and certification, and any information designated as confidential by the individual (candidate) is not disclosed or used except for the purpose of conducting certification activities.

The Latvian Association of Architects Certification Center staff and members of the LAS SC board do not participate in the assessment or decision-making process concerning individuals with whom they have current or past relationships of kinship, friendship, work, business, or have provided training within the last two years, to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

LAS SC Contacts

Head of the LAS Certification Centre: Arona Tomariņa, [email protected]

LAS SC Clerks: Sandra Bloka and Sandra Blumberga, [email protected]

LAS SC Office: [email protected], +371 26007083. Website:

The LAS SC office is located at the Architects' House, 11 Torņa Street.

LAS SC In-person Reception Hours: On Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.00. Meetings with the Head of the LAS Certification Centre are also possible at other times by appointment via phone +371 26007083 or email [email protected].

Certification Center Council

The Certification Center Council is an institution established by the LAS Council, responsible for formulating certification policies, aligning them with the involved parties, establishing fundamental principles for SC governance, overseeing the certification process, resolving disputes, and providing advice regarding decisions made by the SC. Council members are certified architects with at least 10 years of independent professional experience and an impeccable professional reputation.

Council Members: Ervīns Timofejevs, Visvaldis Sarma, Viktors Valgums, Madara Gibze, Harijs Alsiņš.

Certification Center Experts 

Certification Center experts review documents submitted for initial certification, assess examination papers, provide opinions on certificate issuance, conduct assessments, and provide opinions on complaints or negative information submitted to the SC. They evaluate professional development exams for certified architects and compliance with the requirements outlined in Regulation NL 03 'Procedure for Architect Certification' for the five-year practice period. Experts are certified architects with at least 10 years of independent professional experience and an impeccable professional reputation.

Experts: Aldis Apšenieks, Uldis Balodis, Maija Ezergaile, Gunta Grikmane, Ģirts Kilēvics, Ina Kuļikovska, Mikus Lejnieks, Sandra Levāne, Ināra Miezīte, Ivars Šļivka, Uldis Zanders, Elīna Rožulapa, Ija Rudzīte, Inese Maurāne, Ilze Mekša, Ivars Krēgers, Līga Vilne.

Obtaining an Architect's Certificate

More up-to-date information on architects' certification is available on the LAS SC website!

Architects' certification is carried out in accordance with the accreditation scheme accredited by LATAK. The owner of the certification procedures (certification scheme) is the Latvian Association of Architects (LAS). All documents developed for certification are the intellectual property of LAS. The certification scheme and documents cannot be used, either in full or in part, without coordination with LAS.

Since October 1, 2014, the Construction Law is in force, and since April 6, 2018, Cabinet Regulation No. 169 "Procedures for the Assessment of Building Specialists' Competence and Supervision of Independent Practice" have introduced new requirements for architects' certification. The LAS Certification Center has developed amendments to the certification procedure.

On January 17, 2022, a state administration functions delegation agreement was concluded for architects' certification. It is carried out in accordance with Regulation NL 03 'Procedure for Architect Certification'.

Further Education

The mandatory requirement for maintaining certification is further education – continuous enhancement of professional competence in the structure and scope specified in the Certification Procedure for Architects NL 03 (see Chapter 8 on Professional Competence Enhancement):


The Latvian Association of Architects offers professional development on the relevance of regulatory enactments regulating architectural practice and their application, analysis of issues related to architectural practice, expertise in architectural services, copyright protection matters, and other topics. Continuing education events are organized as onsite seminars and discussions, field seminars with excursions, courses, online webinars, and video lectures. The continuing education system along with the PKPP 2022 platform is registered in the Professional Continuing Education Programs Registry of the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE).

The seminars for professional qualification enhancement organized by the Latvian Association of Architects are available on the e-learning system PKPP.LV maintained by the Latvian Association of Architects.

Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications

To enable foreign architects to practice the architectural profession in Latvia, they can apply for either permanent or temporary practice.

For recognition of a foreign architect's professional qualification for permanent practice, the architect must approach the Academic Information Center.

To apply for qualification recognition for permanent or temporary practice, please refer to the information and forms on the Portal of State Administration Service

Foreign architects can apply for temporary practice in Latvia if they have independent practice rights in any of the European Union or European Economic Area countries where the architectural profession is regulated. To apply for temporary practice, the following documents must be submitted to the LAS Certification Center (LAS SC):
